Miles Carter Miles Carter

Soul Ties

How do you deal with
How do you deal with
Letting someone go
Knowing that you'll tear your heart

Or you're in a such an empty shadow low place
That it would be unhealthy to stay
But then how would you do deal with forgiving them
Because they've left you at your lowest

I don't think I believe in soulmates
Because of how complex a single person is
I can't imagine holding one person responsible for
Loving the entirety of another
Instead I believe in soul ties

The number of souls one finds themselves intertwined with throughout life
A series of lessons that could only be learned through experience
I've seen more of myself with every love I've found
So I've never believed in a singular soulmate

When you left and you thought you found yours
I couldn't help but think I thought id found mine too
I have a bad habit of loving too late
I never say what I mean when it matters
So I pen my thoughts here

Loving you felt like everything I thought heaven would be
So although I was raised on church benches
I forego my beliefs to believe my heaven is here
My heaven was her